I've gotten really bad at taking my camera with me places, but this weekend I took my camera with me to Littleton to visit Naomi. I just took pictures of things that intrigued me (like the feathers I posted earlier) and whatever seemed fun. There wasn't a purpose other than to start shooting again. It felt so good. I love the sound of the shutter. Anyway, this is what I came up with. I've been trying not to over edit my photographs, so I converted them to black and white. For one of the photos I erased the car from the background, but it wasn't too difficult.
This one was a little tricky trying to erase the car between the fingers, my friend Gigi helped me there!
Also, while I was playing around on GIMP I stumbled across this filter I really liked called soft glow. It can be a little too much, but adds a neat effect. Here is an original photo from the same day (feathers again!) and the photo with the soft glow filter.
It didn't really do that much, just changed some color intensity, but I really like it.
So that's what I've been working on this week. I plan to do a photo shoot involving paint soon, so hopefully I'll have more to show you soon!