Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Best Friend is Gorgeous

Just look at her! She's so fine! I took a bunch of photos for her senior pictures last year, some of the first photos I shot with my new camera. Originally I thought, "Oh these photos are okay..." But now I love these pictures. Naomi is gorgeous, look at those cheekbones, and her expression is just the best. AH. She better read this. I'm still using for editing, but I ordered lightroom yesterday so I will start working with that. Hopefully, I'll like it... and can prove I'm a student. Anyway, here are some more photos!

These last two don't fit as well with the other photos, but I like them. They look edited, and I'm kind of into that at this point in time.

This is what I've been doing for the last two hours... Oh baby, I love the free time summer gives me.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Old photo shoots, new edits

There's very little I love more than going through old photo shoots. Whenever I do that, I get even more inspired by what I've shot and look at the photos in a new light. I can also integrate new techniques and preferences into the old photos. These photos are from a photo shoot in Ward last November with Hilary Johnston.

I was clearing off my camera card tonight and decided to go through these photos again, I'm glad I did. There were some great ones I missed the first time through. Not to be cocky or anything.

I also found photos from last October, also with Hilary. She's such a fun model to work with. So here are some more. Captions refer to the photo above it.

 (Not my favorite ^, but I really like the concept)

 Initially I had trouble choosing between color and black and white, but I've decided for this photo, B&W is more powerful. The expression in this photo made me fall in love with it.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sonic Boom Race

I was volunteered to work at the Sonic Boom bike race in Louisville yesterday. I basically told people not to cross the street when bikes were coming for two hours, not too bad. Although at the end of the shift some guy who thought he was better than me was running over my stuff trying to get onto the race course, wanting to get to his restaurant. What a butthead. But I got a kind of cool t-shirt out of it. Later that day, I took pictures of my dad racing, before he crashed. I don't really do sports photography...ever. So cut me some slack. I used a fisheye adapter for one of these photos, which sadly blurred the edges more than I would've liked. These photos are of my dad racing. I'll probably put up more with other racers when I have time to go through 700 photos.

As usual, I got distracted by the pretty plants around me. 

I would say that I plan to shoot more races...But I'll only go to races if my dad is in them, and since he broke his clavicle yesterday I probably won't be going to any bike races. Maybe I'll actually get around to some autocross though!

Today, I graduate from high school. Crazy huh? It's just...over. So crazy. My grandma is here to watch me graduate which is pretty awesome! She's the best. Anywayyy, I should probably get ready. Until I post again, bye.