Sunday, September 16, 2012


I know it has been a long time since I last posted. I stopped taking photos for awhile. I know, shame on me. The thing is...I got a new camera body. So exciting right?! Can't you picture me ripping the box open and running around taking pictures of everything and anything I can?

Well, that isn't what happened. I took it out of the box. It was big and unfamiliar. I was scared to touch it. So I didn't use it. It seemed wrong to use my old body when I had this brand new spiffy one...So I didn't take pictures.

But I NEED to know how to use this camera body. So this weekend I finally started to take pictures. I've been taking pictures of anything I see beauty in. These photos may not be the most spectacular ones I have ever taken. They were taken minutes before I had to leave for work or in the dead of night when I was exhausted. But it feels good to shoot again, even if the camera is bigger and the shutter doesn't sound like I think it should. The body doesn't matter. The end justifies the means.