Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The other night, I'll admit, I was feeling really down. A lot of things are going to change. So instead of channeling my emotions towards something detrimental to my well-being like I normally do, I tried to create something. The reality is, it's not very pretty. But the point has been made and I'm exploring new techniques that are pretty cool. I have a few versions of this but I'll post my two favorites. I put them in the order I created them. I love the eyes in this first one. The second and third are very similar except for the subtle color in the third. To create these images, I layered a photo of cracked dirt I took awhile ago with a picture from my photo shoot in Ward with Hilary. Then I played with all sorts of effects. It's not exactly pleasant to look at, but it is interesting, so I'm sharing it. That's all.


  1. It looks like she's going to crumble apart! You're right, everything is changing!

  2. those are supah cool. Good way to channel the poop. Destruction is bad. Unless its breaking stuff... or shooting stuff... or blowing up stuff... then it's fun.
